FEA services
In St. Petersburg

Insurance against various risks

One of the important points of the transportation component is cargo insurance. Protection of goods during transport, in the event of loss and / or damage by the carrier, will allow you to compensate for losses.

How we are working:

  • delve into the essence of the business / customer transactions
  • analyze the situation, determine the needs, goals and objectives
  • develop an optimal scheme of work
  • We implement and control all work from start to finish
  • we receive thanks from a satisfied customer

Not unimportant is the fact that the presence of only a carrier's insurance policy does not guarantee compensation for damage to the client. According to the rules of international transportation, in case of proof of the absence of the carrier's fault in the incident, he does not bear responsibility. Therefore, damage will be paid only if the cargo was additionally insured.

Services insurance:

  • Insurance cargo
  • Passenger car insurance and trucks (OSAGO, KASKO)
  • Insurance special purpose machinery
  • Other types insurance at the request of clients
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